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A VPN is a tool that helps ensure you’re safe and secure online, but it’s important to consider your intended use scenario. Do you use cloud-based services for your business, or do you play online games or stream video? The most reliable VPNs offer robust performance for all of these tasks.

VPNs use encryption to make it illegible for anyone who looks at your connection. They also www.gotrustvpn.com/how-to-setup-a-vpn-on-oneplus-step-by-step/ hide your IP address to ensure that websites aren’t able track your location. For these reasons, it’s important to pick a VPN that is based on the most reliable encryption standards. All of our top picks have the 256-bit AES and some even employ the more secure ChaCha20 encryption protocol.

It’s important to choose a VPN service that permits simultaneous connections. This will help you avoid privacy violations. You’ll want a VPN service that allows you to connect to as many servers as is possible. This is particularly beneficial if you travel frequently and require connection to different locations.

It’s a common tactic for VPN providers to claim that they offer the fastest speeds. To get a better understanding of performance, look for reviews that evaluate speeds in a similar manner, instead of direct Mbps comparisons.

Mullvad provides ad- and tracker blocking capabilities, however they require a more manual method to activate them on its Android application. This small addition is a sign of the effort put into the platform and service overall. Additionally its transparency is a standout in a world full of VPNs which hide their owners and teams.

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