0883 951 029 info@lotitoimpianti.it

Digital marketing is the term used to describe the use of online channels to advertise and sell products or services. It encompasses a variety of activities, from websites to social media to mobile apps.

It’s the marketing that happens on the screens of your customers’ devices, and it’s at the center of all customer relations today – even when these conversations occur in person or on the phone. Digital marketing encompasses tactics such as email social media, social media and search https://digitalconnect.pro/how-does-boardroom-digitalization-benefit-a-business/ engine optimization (SEO), website conversion rate optimization, and many more.

The digital landscape is ever-changing and it may seem like a new set of rules applies to this new method of conducting marketing. It’s not only about channels and platforms – it’s about concepts that are timeless in digital (the importance of humanisation, the fact that content is the most valuable asset etc) and the latest technology that was once considered the future, but is now been accepted into the mainstream.

It’s all about connecting with your customers, at scale, across their preferred channels of communication, so that you can provide experiences that are tailored to their needs including building relationships and driving sales. This is why digital marketing is vital for businesses of all sizes. You can still reach your audience using the right strategies, even if your company doesn’t have a huge budget. We’ve put together our top tips to help you get started.

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